Keep The Lights On

Electrical power is absolutely essential to modern life—it powers out phones, our refrigerators, our lights at night...what would we do without it? If you’re experiencing a partial power outage, and you need to get back online quick, call Evening Emergency Electrician. We’re always on call, even overnight. Of course, we also offer other non-emergency services, too. We’re the full package. Just get in touch and tell us what you need.

Our Services

If a breaker blows in your home, and you don’t know what to do, give us a call. We offer circuit breaker repair, for minor issues, and also full-on electrical panel replacement, if it’s a more major issue. Finding that none of your devices work when plugged into a certain spot, but they work everywhere else? We offer outlet repair. If electrical wiring is involved, we can handle it—of course, we do light fixture installation, and can relocate light switches to exactly where you need them to be. Have questions? Please call.

Work Hours

Day and night, holidays and every day, we’re open.

Service Area

Our electricians work all over Brooklyn and throughout Kings County.